تعزيز السلام والأمن في منطقة شرق أفريقيا

EASF Director Pays a Courtesy call to the Ethiopian Minister of Defence

New Director Meets Ethiopia Defence MinisterThe New Director of Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF), Brig Paul Kahuria Njema and the outgoing Director, Brig Gen Getachew Shiferaw Fayisa, paid a courtesy call to the Minister of Defence of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Hon Abraham Belay, on 16th May 2023, at Defence Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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قادة الإيساف تجتمع مع وزير دفاع جيبوتي

سجل مدير الإيساف، العميد غيتاتشو شيفيرو فايسا، في 7 مايو 2023 ، زيارة رسمية إلى وزير دفاع جمهورية جيبوتي، معالي السيد حسن عمر محمد، برفقه رئيس قسم الشؤون الإدارية والمالية في الإيساف، العقيد محمد بركات آدم.

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African Integrated Peace Operations Course kicks off in Rwanda

The ‘African Integrated Peace Operations’ a five-day course bringing together civilians, military and police, aimed at improving the knowledge and competencies of the participants in matters of integrated crisis management started on May 7, in Kigali, Rwanda.

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EASF Management Meeting with Djibouti Minister of Defence

The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) Director, Brig Gen Getachew Shiferaw Fayisa, paid on 7th May 2023, a courtesy call to the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Djibouti, Hon Hassan Omar Mohamed, accompanied by EASF Head of Administration and Finance, Col Mohamed Barkar Aden.

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EASF Participates in the High Level Ministerial Meeting on Youth, Peace and Security

The third High-Level Ministerial Conference on the Role of Governments, Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms in Promoting the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda was officially inaugurated by H.E Ezéchiel Nibigira, Minister of East African Community Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture, on Tuesday 9th May 2023 at the Kiriri Gardens in Bujumbura, Burundi.

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Message of Solidarity from EASF on the Recent Natural Disaster in Rwanda and Uganda.

The Eastern Africa Standby Force fraternity joins the rest of the countries in sending a message of resilience and solidarity to the President and the People of Rwanda and Uganda following the recent natural calamity of severe flooding and landslides causing loss of lives, properties and damage to infrastructures. The EASF fraternity is deeply saddened by such calamity affecting two of our Member States, Rwanda and Uganda.

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مدير الإيساف يجتمع برئيس جزر القمر

استقبل رئيس اتحاد جزر القمر، غزالي العثماني، في 26 أبريل 2023 في قصر بيت سلام، مدير الإيساف، العميد غيتاشيو شيفيرو فايسا، يرافقه قائد القوة العميد فينسينت جاتاما.

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افتتاح ورشة المعدات المملوكة للوحدات في أديس أبابا

تم افتتاح ورشة  لتطوير منهج المعدات المملوكة للوحدات رسميًا يوم الاثنين 24 أبريل، في قاعدة لوجستيات الإيساف في أديس أبابا إثيوبيا. يشارك الورشة ممثلين من الدول الأعضاء  وموظفي الإيساف وخبيرين من جمهورية كينيا؛ هما المقدم جورج نجوجو واللفتنانت كولونيل فيرونيكا أوور. تهدف الورشة إلى تطوير منهج دراسي ستستخدمه الإيساف لتسهيل دورات ضباط المعدات المملوكة للوحدات في المستقبل.

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Youths Gather in Comoros to Discuss Peace and Environment

Youth for peaceThe Government of the Union of Comoros and the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) launched three days of activities in Moroni, Comoros from 25 to 27 April, 2023. The theme of the “Youth 4 Peace” event is “Promoting Peace, Protecting the Environment” and it is therefore aimed at sensitizing citizens of EASF Member States on efforts to emphasize the link between “Peace” and “Environment”.

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Contingent Owned Equipment workshop opens in Addis Abba

The Contingent Owned Equipment (COE) Syllabus development workshop was officially opened on Monday 24th April, at the EASF Logistics Base in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The Workshop brings together representatives from member states, EASF staff and two experts from the Republic of Kenya; Lt Col George Njogu and Lt Col Veronica Owuor. It is aimed at developing a syllabus that will be used by EASF to facilitate the COE officers’ Course in Future.

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African Union Delegation Visits EASF


A delegation from the department of Peace Operations of the African Union conducted a two-day visit at the Eastern Africa Standby Force Secretariat from 19th to 20th April, 2023.

The working visit was conducted as part the engagement and coordination efforts between the AU and EASF aimed at enhancing collaboration and integration.

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Wednesday the 19th. Developed & Powered by EASF