Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF at the consultative meeting of the Peace and Security Council

PSC_BurundiThe third consultative meeting of the Peace and Security Council and Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms was held in Bujumbura, Burundi. The EASF Director Brig (Rtd) Paul Kahuria Njema also attended the meeting, which was aimed at providing a platform for member states to engage in dialogue and collaboration on matters related to peace and security in the region.


EASF Participates in CE-WARN Book Launch

CEWARN Book LaunchThe EASF Director, Brig (Rtd) Paul Kahuria Njema led an EASF delegation to participate in launching CEWARN’s latest book titled, 'Conflict Prevention in the Horn- CEWARN’s Journey'.


Promoting Civil Society Engagement in Peace and Security

CSO_Rwanda_2023Members of various youth Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and Rwanda National Youth Council are attending a sharing of experience workshop as part of the EASF’s programme involving Non-State actors in peace processes. Dr. Utumatwishima Jean Nepo Abdallah, the Minister of Youth officially opened the Workshop at the La Palisse Hotel in Rwanda.


Integrated Mission Support Course kicks off

IMSC_AddisThe Integrated Mission Support Course was officially opened today Monday 10th July 2023 in Addis Ababa, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The course brings together representatives from Member States and EASF staff to be trained in Mission support and Management. It will run from 10th – 20th July 2023.

The Course was officially opened by Dr Mekonin Abebe from the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Defence Foreign Relations and Military Cooperation General Directorate.



Saturday the 27th. Developed & Powered by EASF