3rd Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly of Heads of State
The EASF Assembly of Heads of State and Government held its third Extraordinary Meeting in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea on 26th June 2014.
Regional Police Officers Course
Twenty one officers from Ethiopia, Burundi and Rwanda, yesterday began a one month United Nations peacekeeping pre-deployment course at the Rwanda National Police peacekeeping training centre in Gishari, Rwamagana District.
UN Police Officers Course
The Police Point of Contact & United Nations Police Officers Course Trainers was held at the Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala, Uganda from 19th – 27th May, 2014.
Initial Planning Conference concludes
EASF conducted the Initial Planning Conference (IPC) for the forth-coming Command Post Exercise (CPX 2014) from 2nd to 6th June 2014 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.