Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

“Reinvigorate the EASF Civilian Component”

EASF gathers its Civilian National Focal Points (CNFP) in Bujumbura, Burundi, from 5 th to 9 th December,2022 to “reinvigorate the Civilian Component.” The aim of this workshop is to familiarize the Member States CNFP with the planned civilian activities, in particular roster verification and their role in ensuringthat a functional civilian database is in place as well as to enhance integration and team work.

“This is a true expression of determination of our Member States to keeping our valuable organization going. An essential step towards professionalization of EASF/AU civilians is improving our efforts to roster, recruit, deploy and appraise staff in peace missions ensuring that they are highly qualified and trained, and engaging them in challenging and satisfying tasks including the gender dynamics,” said EASF Head of Civilian Component, Dr Leah Barasa.

“I think there is no other forum better suited than this to bring together the civilian officials from our Member States to discuss the future progress of EASF as contributed to by its ambassadors from the Member States, which is none other than you”,reaffirmed Ms Dorothée Ndayiziga from the Burundian Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation.

Assuredly from the representative of the Republic of Burundi’s Ministry of National Defence and Veterans Affairs. “I am grateful by the efforts made by the EASF Secretariat in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to organize this important activity to enable EASF Civilian Component enhance friendly communication and collaboration with EASF Civilian National Person,” said Col Victor Nduwumukiza.

Civilian National Focal Points were established in all EASF Member States to identify personnel for capacity development and also coordinate the rostering processes in peacetime and deployment to peace operations missions.

Photo Gallery:Reinvigorate the EASF Civilian Component

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