Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF and ECOWAS, Joining Hands on Civil Society Matters

The opening ceremony of the Civil Society meeting currently taking place at the New Stanley Hotel in Nairobi brings together diverse and rich representations from civil society organizations, Regional Economic Mechanisms, Regional Mechanisms and other stakeholders working in areas of governance and democracy.

The workshop is being spearheaded by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in partnership with the African Union. The Eastern Africa Standby Force is being represented by the Director, Brig (Rtd) Paul Kahuria Njema, the Liaison Officer, MR Vincent Didon and the Public Information Officer.

ECOWAS is a regional economic community of 15 West African countries that aims to promote economic integration and cooperation among its member states. ECOWAS has a diverse range of goals, including promoting economic growth, regional security, and social development.

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During the opening ceremony the ECOWAS Permanent Representative to the AU, Ambassador Francis Gabriel OKE, pointed out the importance of getting various partners from the civil society sector to join Regional Economic Mechanisms, Regional Mechanisms in one room to discuss how to strengthen good governance and democracy in countries in Africa. On his part the Director of EASF, talked about EASF’s framework on engagement with CSOs and non-state actors and how such framework contributes to enhance the role of Non-State actors in conflict prevention and peace building and in enhancing collaboration with Civil Society Organisations in the promotion of peace and security agenda.

ECOWAS was set up in 1977 and it is aimed at promoting economic integration and cooperation among its member states. In recent years, the organization has been instrumental in mediating conflicts in the region, including the Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea-Bissau civil wars.

ECOWAS has also established a standby force to enhance its ability to respond to conflicts. By providing financial, technical, and logistical support to member states, ECOWAS remains a vital player in promoting peace and stability in West Africa. On its part EASF has also implemented various activities geared towards youth empowerment and capacity building of CSOs.

The workshop will end with recommendations on how to enhance good governance, partnership and democratic principles in the various countries. 




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