Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Police Component's SGBV Course Concludes

The EASF Police Component conducted a Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) course from 22nd January - 2nd February 2018, at Embakasi in Nairobi, Kenya.

The course aimed at capacity development for pledged police officers from EASF Member States for future deployment in any UN/AU multi-dimensional mandated missions.

The SGBV course, which revolved around such areas as prevention, response and investigations, is a cross cutting training which is usually given to police, military officers and civilians as a preparation to handle human rights' violations, in particular SGBV. During the training, the participants were acquainted with foundational knowledge, skills and best practices which effectively support their overall duties and responsibilities in peace keeping missions.

A total of 30 trainees drawn from EASF Member States took part in the course, which was facilitated by 5 regional Trainers from EASF Member States. The course was funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented through the Geselleschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).


Photo Gallery: Police Component Concludes SGBV Course

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