Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Conducts MRSSCM Workshop

The Maritime Cell of the Eastern Africa Standby Force conducted a three-day workshop on Maritime Regional Safety and Security Coordination Mechanism (MRSSCM) at the Pride Inn Paradise Beach Resort, in Mombasa, Kenya from 19th to 21st June 2018.

The three-day workshop's aim was to bring together maritime experts from EASF Member States to discuss ways of establishing a Regional Maritime Safety and Security Mechanism that will enable EASF respond to any maritime safety and security crises, emergencies or distress at sea during Maritime Peace Support Operations. The workshop also addressed the implementation of a Maritime Coordinating Center that will lead to relevant and inclusive information sharing among EASF civilians and Navies of EASF Member States.

Opening the course on behalf of the Director of EASF, the Deputy Chief of Staff who is also the Head of Maritime Cell, CDR (psc) Ali Tibeag Mohamed applauded EASF Member States for availing the experts to attend the workshop. He elaborated on the need for such workshops which enhance the capability of the regional maritime domain through continued investment of collective resources; i.e., intellectual, technological and human within the entire region.

The workshop, attended by fifteen experts from the Eastern Africa Region, EASF partners and European Union, was fully funded by the Nordic Advisory and Coordination Staff (NACS).


 Photo Gallery: EASF Conducts MRSSCM Workshop

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