Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF verified Member States pledged capabilities

An Eastern African Standby Force delegation visited Kampala, from 27th to 29th November, for the verification of the Pledged Capabilities by the Republic of Uganda. The team was led by EASF Force Commander, Brig Gen Vincent Gatama, and its mission aims to confirm the commitment of Uganda to contribute, maintain and sustain the fully operational and multidimensional integrated standby force ready to respond to emerging crisis and threats in the region.

In addition to enhancing training capabilities on child protection issues in PSOs, the course also provided participants with knowledge and skills on the rights, protection and welfare of children in situations of conflict. EASF works to mainstream child rights, child protection and child care in conflict prevention, peace-making, post conflict reconstruction processes and to ensure that the needs and voices of children are adequately taken into consideration in PSOs.

“Brig Gen Gatama reiterated “the importance of integration and the need of EASF Member States to pool capabilities towards regional peace and security. In addition, the verification is part of renewing the commitment of both EASF and the Republic of Uganda”.

On behalf of the Republic of Uganda the Chief of Staff of Ugandan Land Forces. Brig Gen Bob Ogiki said “We are very committed to this and we share the cause as one of the pillars of our ideological orientation as a country, which is Pan-Africanism. Uganda believes in Pan-Africanism and we have been involved in trying to mitigate the impact or even stop conflicts around the globe.” He also quoted the President of Republic of Uganda, HE Yoweri Museveni: “A leader that doesn't care about integration is an enemy of his own people, whether he knows it or not”.

After Uganda, the EASF delegation will visit the Republic of Rwanda, from 30th November to 3rd December, to verify the capacity towards its contribution to the Eastern African Standby Force. The Ten EASF Member States are required to show their commitment and demonstrate political will to contribute towards the Force, as “African problems need African solutions”.

Photo Gallery:EASF verified Member States pledged capabilities

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