Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Staff Rotations at EASF Force Headquarters

In accordance with EASF's Rotation Matrix, the EASF Force Headquarters which is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, bid farewell to international officers who are seconded from EASF Member States as well as seconded local staff from the Ministry of Defense of the Host Nation on Tuesday July 10, 2018.


EASF and COMESA in Fact Finding Mission in Comoros

The Eastern Africa Standby Force in conjunction with the Common Market for Eastern & Southern Africa (COMESA) successfully conducted a joint fact-finding mission to the Union of Comoros from 8th to 14th July 2018 prior to the constitutional referendum scheduled for 29thJuly 2018. This was


EASF Policy Organs Meetings to Take Place in Kigali, Rwanda

The 24th Ordinary Session of the Policy Organs Meetings of the Eastern Africa Standby Force will take place between 24th and 27th July 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda.


EASF Member State Concludes Peace Deal.

The leaders of Eritrea and Ethiopia signed a peace agreement on Monday the 9th of July following the closure of the summit between the two countries.

Both countries have now restored diplomatic relations ending 20 years of enmity and following the signing of this peace agreement, many leaders from the East African region and beyond have commended and congratulated both leaders.

(Image Source: Twitter Account of Fitsum Arega, Chief of Staff, Prime Minister Office, Ethiopia)


EASF Holds Integrated Mission Planning Course

The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) launched an Integrated Mission Planning Course (IMPC) on Monday 9th July 2018, at Peacekeeping Training Centre, in Khartoum, in the Republic of the Sudan.


Commander of the German United Nations Training Center Visits EASF

Commander Werner Klaffus from the German United Nations Training Center led a team of officers on a visit to the EASF Secretariat, in Karen, Nairobi, on 9th July 2018. The delegation was received by the Director of the organization, Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh.



Thursday the 19th. Developed & Powered by EASF