تعزيز السلام والأمن في منطقة شرق أفريقيا

Director EASF Visits the Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU) in Vicenza, Italy

On June 26, 2024, Brig (Rtd) Paul Kahuria Njema, the Director of the Eastern Africa Standby Force, visited the Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU) in Vicenza, Italy.

During his visit, Brig (Rtd) Njema attended several meetings with key figures including CoESPU Director Brig. Gen. Giuseppe De Magistris, EUROGENDFOR - EGF representatives, and NATO Stability Policing Centre of Excellence Director, Lt. Gen. A. Chinotto Barracks.

Brig (Rtd) Njema was briefed on the organizational structures and responsibilities of the institutions he visited and explored potential avenues for collaboration with the Center of Excellence.

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