Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

East Africa Standby Force Conducts Evaluation Exercise in Kenya

The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) conducted a comprehensive evaluation exercise to assess the readiness of Kenya's civilian and military components for potential deployment. The Director Brig (Rtd) Paul Kahuria Njema led the EASF Team during the Verification Exercise supported by the EASF Force Commander Brigadier Getachew Ali.

The verification unfolded in two phases, beginning with the Civilian Component at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Foreign Service Academy in Nairobi. The Acting Director Ambassador Paul Ndungu welcomed the EASF Team and in his remarks emphasized the critical role civilians play in a Mission's success. “Civilians are a vital element in any mission, contributing in ways that military and police forces cannot,” he stated.

During this phase, pledged Civilian personnel were assessed based on a matrix that included a range of criteria including age, language proficiency, educational background, work experience, and specialized training, including the Civilian Foundation Course.

Following the pledged Civilian personnel assessment, the evaluation team travelled to Nakuru to evaluate the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF). This phase focused on personnel readiness and equipment capabilities.

Brig (Rtd) Njema expressed gratitude to the Kenyan Government for facilitating the evaluation and commended the KDF for their preparedness. “The achievements of the East Africa Standby Force are a direct result of our troops' readiness. Our mission is to prevent calamities within our Region,” he noted.

In his remarks, Brigadier General Ali underscored the significance of the exercise for future KDF deployments. “As a force, we must be prepared. I encourage participants to engage in open dialogue and build partnerships that enhance our unity and purpose. Vigilance is essential at all times,” he said.

The East African Standby Force was established in 2005 by member states to act as a quick-reaction Force aimed at promoting peace and security across the Region.

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