Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

17th Ordinary Session of EACDS

Gen NyamvumbaThe 17th Ordinary Session of the Eastern Africa Committee of Chiefs and Security (EACDS) kicked off today, 20th August 2014 in Kigali, Rwanda.

The Policy Organs Meetings are convened as EASF makes its final arrangements for Full Operational Capability, planned for December 2014. The Chiefs of Defence are meeting to review and  update policies & guidelines and to identify appropriate approaches that will help the sub-region to achieve its mission and in particular, to prepare for a forth-coming Exercise, the CPX 2014.

In his opening speech,  Chief Of Defence Staff For Rwanda, General Patrick Nyamvumba noted that the meeting was taking place at a time when the Eastern Africa region is facing  serious security challenges which require collective and maximum  attention. 

All the ten EASF Member States are participating.

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