Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Validates Kenya's Pledged Forces

His Excellency President Uhuru KenyattaThe Republic of Kenya presented its Forces for evaluation and validation by the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) during the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) Field Training Exercise (FTX) at Archer’s Post Isiolo, Kenya on 5th September 2014.

The presentation follows the Force pledging conference for EASF Member States which was conducted in Kigali, Rwanda on 22nd August 2014 during the 17th meeting of the Council of Ministers of Defence and Security of the Eastern Africa region. EASF Members States’ pledges include mechanized battalions and infantry battalions as well as pledges from the police and civilian components making up the multi-dimensional regional Force.

The Exercise, code-named EX - ENEZA AMANI, aimed to exercise and evaluate KDF’s readiness as part of the EASF arrangement to respond to emerging regional security threats. The themes exercised included security, stability, rapid operations, disaster response and support to humanitarian facilitators.

The ceremony was presided over by Kenya’s President His Excellency Hon Uhuru Kenyatta. In his statement, he said, "No African democracy can let terrorists substitute murderous violence for democratic persuasion". [Full Statement]

Other dignitaries who attended the ceremony included Amb Raychelle Omamo, Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Defence and Gen (Dr) Julius Karangi, the Chief of Defence Staff, Amb Issimail Chanfi, the Director of the EASF led his delegation which included Brig Gen Tai Gituai, the Joint Chief of Staff and EASF staff officers. Hon James Kaberebe, Minister of Defence for Rwanda also attended.

Since January 2014, the KDF team has been working closely with the EASF staff officers to confirm compliance with the standards set by the African Union–led African Standby Force (ASF) and the UN Standby Arrangement System. The Force preparation stages included planning and preparation training, Table Top Exercises, Mapping Exercise (MAPEX), Command Post Exercise (CPX) and Pre deployment Training. The FTX was the culmination of the various stages of preparation of the Force. EASF will conduct the last major Exercise before declaration of Full Operational Capability, the EASF Command Post Exercise (CPX), in November 2014 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Kenya is the first Member State to make this historic presentation which will be rolled out to other EASF Member States at a later date.

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