Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Open Day in Comoros

Participants of EASF Open Day versionfrancaise

Hundreds gathered in Moroni, the capital city of the Union of Comoros, on 8th April 2017, to celebrate the EASF Open Day.  EASF Day is a day that EASF sets aside to share information with  different people on its achievements, as well as knowledge, ideas and experiences on matters related to peace and security. 

The ceremony was graced by His Excellency the Vice President of the Union of Comoros, Hon Jaffer Ahmed Said Hassani. Hon Hassani expressed gratitude to EASF for the exemplary work in leading the region to effectively address security concerns.  He expressed confidence that EASF is on the right track. 

The ceremony presented an opportunity for peace practitioners to debate openly about peace initiatives and the effectiveness of the ongoing regional and continetnal efforts.

The event is cconducted as part of the communication strategy which aims to create awareness among  stakeholders involved in peace and security matters in the Eastern Africa region and beyond. Participants included senior government officials, members of the Diplomatic Corps, university lecturers and students, as well as civil society organisations.

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Tuesday the 11th. Developed & Powered by EASF