Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Day Sudan

The Vice President SudanEASF Open Day in Sudan was conducted on the 10th December 2015 in the capital city, Khartoum. The Vice President of the Sudan, H.E. Hasabo Mohamed Abdul Rahman, was Guest of Honor at the high profile one-day event.


The day kicked off with a Peace Walk proceeding along designated streets in the capital city and ending up in the well manicured lawns of Khartoum's Police Club.

In his opening remarks, Vice President Mohamed Abdul Rahman thanked those present for putting aside their daily commitments in order to grace this important event in the Sudan. He affirmed that Sudan is always ready to support the EASF in its Peace Support Initiatives, peace being a strategic goal to all nations including the Sudan.

The Vice President called on scholars and research institutes to engage themselves tirelessly in understanding the causes of conflicts in Africa. The most challenging threats include terrorism, money laudering, extremism and human trafficking. These threats could be overcome through determination and resolve of the African people, he said.

The Vice President informed the audience that the unilateral sanctions imposed on the Sudan by western nations were hurting the economy and hindering her efforts in war against terrorism. Despite these sanctions, Sudan reaffirmed her commitment to continue working with other nations towards the ultimate goal of winning this war. He made a passionate appeal to western nations to lift these sanctions so that Sudan could play a more effective role in this field.   

He further expounded the government's efforts in advancing communal and political dialogue, which are key instruments for peace, security and national cohesion.

The event was attented by many university students, Government Officials, Military Personnel, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Media houses and civilians.

Other key speakers included the Director of the EASF, Amb. Issmail Chanfi, the State Minister at the Minstry of Defence in the Sudan Lt. Gen. Yahya Mohamed Khair as well as two more speakers from the country. The event came to a close after the question and answer session during which the participants seeked to understand the EASF better.

[Click here to view the Picture gallery of the EASF Day in Sudan]

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