Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Integrated mission planning course starts in Rwanda

The Eastern Africa Standby Force launched an Integrated Mission Planning Course (IMPC) on Monday 18th April, 2022 In Musanze, Rwanda with 28 participants from EASF’s member states.

The IMPC aims at increasing the number of individuals, drawn from the three main components of EASF namely, Military, Police and Civilian from across all ten Member States who are qualified to operate as Staff Officers at either the Mission or Force Headquarters' level. It also seeks to enhance the operational outcome in respect to integrated planning at either Mission or Force Headquarters' level in the execution of complex Peace Support Operations in an EASF context.

The course familiarizes participants with EASF's Operational Planning Process (OPP) and provides participants with tools to conduct operational planning, whereby Military, Civilian, Police and Mission Support Components are integrated in a single Mission Plan.

The IMPC, which is planned to come to a close on 29th April, is supported through the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) IV programme.

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