Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

The Director Revisits EASF's Achievements in the Year 2017

During the end of year gathering held at the EASF Secretariat on 15th December 2017, the Director, Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh commended all players for the numerous contributions made during year, which have culminated into the organization's achievement of the period's goals as set out in the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan.

The highlight of the year was EASF's successful roll out, play and conclusion of the Field Training Exercise (FTX) 2017 which was conducted in the Gebeit Region of the Red Sea State in the Republic of the Sudan from 20th November to 6th December 2017. FTX 2017 was a multinational and multidimensional exercise, aimed at testing the regional peacekeeper's ability to successfully accomplish Peace Support Operations if and when mandated to do so by the African Union in conflict torn scenarios in the Eastern Africa region and beyond. Around 1029 participants from EASF Member States and other partner countries took part in the exercise.

Dr. Bouh attributed the year's achieved milestones to the selfless contributions of individual Members of Staff, EASF Member States, the Friends and Partners of EASF and other roll players. Another notable highlight was the donation of Forward Force Headquarters (FFHQ) Command and Control Communications Information Systems' (C2CIS) equipment from the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark in partnership with the United Kingdom. This package, together with a Startup Kit donated by the two countries in 2015, ensure that an EASF Forward Force can set up office, accommodation and communication facilities within a very short time, enabling the initiation of crucial operations in any kind of geographical terrain.

The Director pledged his commitment to steer the organization towards achievement of 2018 goals as set out in the aforementioned Strategic Plan. Among these include the further enhancement of the Full Operational Capability (FOC) attained in 2014 which is heavily anchored on capacity building through acquisition of requisite skills and know-how. Dr. Bouh also reaffirmed that he will continue building bridges with more nations and organizations; a good number of visitors from many countries in diverse continents called on EASF in 2017 to enhance partnerships and benchmark on its success story.

The regional peacekeeper opens its doors once again on 8th January 2018.


 Photo Gallery:  EASF Holds End of Year Ceremony

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