Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Election Mission Preliminary Statement

The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) presented its preliminary statement on the conduct of the General Elections this morning, Thursday 11th August 2022 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Nairobi. EASF deployed an Election Observation Mission (EOM) to the Republic of Kenya at the invitation of the Government.

The EOM’s objective was to observe and assess the conduct of the general elections which took place on 9th August 2022. The EASF Election Observer Mission (EOM) leadership Team comprised H.E. Ambassador Claude Morel from Seychelles as Head of Mission, as well as the former President of Burundi H.E. Mr Sylvestre Ntibantunganya, Chair of the EASF Panel of Elders and Special Advisor to the Mission. A total of twenty (20) observers from eight (8) EASF countries were deployed in nine (9) counties. The zones of deployment were Eldoret, Kisumu, Nairobi, Isiolo, Nakuru, Garissa, Mombasa, Kajiado and Nyeri.

The assessment of the EASF Mission has been based on the relevant provisions of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance of 2012. The EOM leadership team met with various stakeholders including one of the presidential candidates, representatives of the civil society, as well as other international observer groups.

In line with the provisions of the Elections Act of 2011, the Kenyan electorate was called upon to elect the President of the Republic, Members of the National Assembly, members of the Senate, County Governors, County Assembly and Women’s representatives. 6 different ballot papers were presented to the voters who disposed the choice of their candidates in 6 different ballot boxes.

The responsibility of conducting the elections was vested in the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). The IEBC deployed 46,229 polling stations throughout the Kenyan national territory. Members of the Kenyan diaspora could vote in certain Kenyan Embassies abroad.

Preliminary findings and observations

The leadership and technical teams of the EASF observer mission interacted with their counterparts from other African observer missions.

The exchanges undertaken indicate a convergence of views and appreciation on the electoral process of the 2022 Kenya General Elections.

Election day observation

The EASF EOM deployed 20 observers in teams of two in nine (9) counties to observe Election-Day activities. The teams visited a total of 122 polling stations.

Opening of polling stations

In the polling stations observed, the Mission noted that 94% of the stations were open on time. The remaining 6% delay was mostly attributed to the time required in organising, delivering and arranging of electoral materials at the polling stations.  It was found that the KIEMS kit jammed in some of the polling stations, thus delaying the opening, and causing some lateness in the processing of voters. The mission noted with satisfaction that the proper opening procedures in most stations visited were respected, as prescribed by the Election Act.

Election materials

The Mission observed that election materials were available in sufficient quantities and ballot boxes were observed to be generally well sealed and in public view.


The mission observed that the election turnout was relatively low in most polling stations visited. The latest indication at national level is slightly above the 60%.

Gender Participation

The mission noted that women were in majority amongst the electoral personnel and representatives of political parties at the polling stations. The presence of women election officials in the 122 polling stations visited attained a 62% high.

Election personnel

The mission observed that in all of the polling stations visited, the required number of polling personnel was met. In most of the polling stations visited the Presiding Officers exhibited a high degree of competence and efficiency.


The mission observed that the vote was generally conducted in a calm and peaceful atmosphere in most parts of the country. It was observed that there were lines of people waiting for the opening of the polling stations. People were disciplined, patient, waiting eagerly to cast their vote.

The polling stations were properly managed by the officials to guarantee the secrecy of the vote. However, in 8% of the polling stations visited, the layout was not done in a manner to guarantee the secrecy of the ballot.

Party agents (representation of candidates in polling stations)

The mission observed a significant presence of candidate representatives in all the polling stations visited. 


The mission observed the visible presence of security forces at the polling stations. They were armed, and they operated with discretion and in no way did they intimidate the order of proceedings of the stations.


The EASF-EOM is of the view that the General Elections of 9th August 2022 in the Republic of Kenya were conducted in an orderly, calm, peaceful and professional manner. The EASF-EOM wishes to express its appreciation to the Authorities in the Republic of Kenya for the measures put in place to facilitate its work throughout its stay in the country. 

Friday the 14th. Developed & Powered by EASF