Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF celebrates its Professional Staff

The Director of Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF), Brig Gen Getachew Shiferaw Fayisa, led on the 12 January, 2023 at EASF Secretariat in Nairobi, Kenya, a ceremony to celebrate the new year as well as bid farewell to the outgoing staff and welcome the incoming staff.


After six years serving the Regional Mechanism, Ali Said Ali, Ibrahim Moumine, Col Viator Niyongabo, as well as Lt Col Ngabo Karake who did two years, contributed to the great achievements made by EASF.

Mr Ali Said Ali joined the EASF Fraternity as the ever first Political Officer under the Peace Operations Department. He has been an asset to the organization as he established the Political Office from scratch to where it is now.

Mr Ibrahim Moumine, as the IT Officer, was charged with the responsibility of the overall operations and management of the IT Systems and Equipment within EASF. He was also responsible for Technical Design, development and maintenance the EASF website among many other duties.

Col Viator Niyongabo was the first Human Resource Officer. Over the years Col Viator was charged with the responsibility of Advising and implementation of policies as stipulated in the EASF Service Regulations. He was also charged with the HR core functions which include Recruitment & selection, performance management, succession planning, compensation and benefits.  A job he performed exemplary.

Lt Col Ngabo Karake, as the Conflict Analyst, was charged with the responsibility of analyzing and monitoring intra and inter-state conflict situations in the region and beyond for possible early intervention, Delivery of high-quality analysis with respect to the deterrence or prevention of conflicts. He was also charged with the responsibility of researching and analyzing all aspect of conflict in the Region.

Our staff rotation system allows us to tap from the diverse skills and experiences of personnel from all our Member States. EASF is therefore a strong demonstration of our regional and cultural integration for the sake of Peace and Security in the Region,” announced EASF Director. “I take this opportunity to assure the new staff that we all look forward to working with you. May you feel at home and feel proud to take part and contribute to our esteemed organization, EASF, and beyond,” said Brig Gen Getachew Shiferaw Fayisa.

For the upcoming staff, Mr Ibrahim Mohammed Farah is Political officer, the Ms Lina Hoareau acts as the Human Resource officer, Mr Ismail Ahmed Siad takes over the Conflict Analyst and Maj Faustin Ngaboyimanzi become the IT officer.

Monday the 10th. Developed & Powered by EASF