Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

GIZ's Police Program Africa Advisor at EASF Secretariat

The Police Program Africa Advisor to the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) Mr. Bruno Hedermann, paid the EASF Secretariat a visit in Karen, Nairobi from 3rd to 5th July 2017.

The visit aimed at discussing the cooperation between the two organizations. GIZ, working under the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, has been a strong partner to EASF especially in capacity development, training and knowledge management. The Agency supported the EASF Civilian Component up to the year 2016 and has since shifted its focus to Police activities. Mr Hederman was also updated on the overall progress of the organization.  

The Advisor was hosted by Brig. Albert Kendagor, Head of Peace Operations' Department,  accompanied by Colonel Leterbrah Kahsay, Head of Administration and Finance, Dinah Kyasiimire, Assistant Commissioner of Police, also Head of Police Component and other EASF and GIZ staff.


Photo Gallery: GIZ's Police Program Africa Advisor visits EASF

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