Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Integrated Mission Planning Course Commences

Dr Abdillahi openingThe Integrated Mission Planning Course (IMP) kicked off at the International Peace Support Training Centre IPSTC), Karen, Nairobi.

The course forms part of the EASF Activity Plan for 2017 and is organized to provide skills necessary for effective planning and coordination in an integrated multidimensional Peace Support Operation (PSO), as laid out in the African Union Policies and Doctrine.

In his opening statement, Dr Abdillahi, Director EASF, who was the Chief Guest, noted that the training was part of the efforts by EASF, to achieve the required capacity and readiness to respond rapidly to emerging crises in the region.  “I encourage each one of you to apply total dedication to this training in order to gain the maximum value from it,” he said.

The course covered topics such as the Africa Standby Force (ASF) functions & procedures, command & control structures, natural disasters and emergencies, environmental issues in PSOs, medical logistics and administration functions among other areas.

A total of 30 participants from the Military, Police and Civilian components with experience in mission support, participated. The course will provide valuable addition to the EASF Roster Database which tracks and maintains qualified personnel, ready to serve in PSOs on the continent of Africa.



Photo Gallery: Integrated Mission Planning Course



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