Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Rolls Out Logistics' Base's SOP's Review Workshop

The Eastern Africa Standby Force launched a week-long Standard Operating Procedures' (SOPs)Review Workshop for its Logistics Base in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Monday 6th August 2018. This activity, which is in line with the strategic framework of EASF, is centered on further improvement of institutional capability and sustainability.

Properly designed SOPs ensure that personnel carry out operations correctly and in a uniform manner. Without guiding principles and guidelines formally promulgated, compliance to the standards can become a challenge, hence negatively impacting on the attainment of the organization's mandate. The development of the SOPs for the management of EASF logistics will leverage the attainment of key aspects of the Strategic Plan.

The workshop, which comes to an end on 9th August 2018, will be steered by the EASF Director, Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh. It is being attended by representatives from EASF Member States and Staff from the Secretariat, Force Headquarters as well as Logistics' Base.


Photo Gallery: EASF Rolls Out Logistics' Base's SOP's Review Workshop

Wednesday the 5th. Developed & Powered by EASF