Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and EASF Sign Agreement

EASF LogoGovernment of the Kingdom of Denmark and EASF sign Agreement

9th September 2016, Nairobi, Kenya         Version Française

Press Release

H. E. Amb. Mette Knudsen of the Royal Danish Embassy and Amb. Issimail Chanfi, Director of EASF today signed a project document for the EASF-Danish cooperation at a ceremony held at the EASF Secretariat in Karen, Nairobi. The Project Document constitutes an important element in the Danish Whole-of-Government Peace and Stabilisation Programme 2015- 2017.

EASF attained Full Operational Capability (FOC) in December 2014 and is now consolidating and further enhancing its operational readiness.  This implies its readiness to participate in Peace Support Operations (PSOs) in the Eastern Africa region and beyond.  The project aims to strengthen cooperation under the African Union’s African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) as EASF consolidates its capacity to deploy.

The Danish Government has been supporting the EASF since 2008 in achieving its designated objectives during the development stages and in particular as expressed in the Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020. The support provided under this project includes military and police advisory services, as well as direct financial support for capacity-building activities, communication equipment and services. In December last year the Kingdom of Denmark, in cooperation with the United Kingdom, donated the equipment needed for EASF’s Forward Force Headquarters (EASF Start-up Kit).

The project is designed to facilitate EASF in achieving its ambition as a key player in the peace and security sector in the region.  The total financial input for the duration of the programme, 2015 – 2017 amounts to 19 million Danish Kroner (USD 2,879,640.00).

The Danish Government continues working with EASF under the umbrella of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (comprises Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) within the (Nordic Advisory and Coordination Staff (NACS) programme, which also supports areas such as training of military and police personnel, establishment of EASF Maritime component, Headquarters training, Communication, Advocacy and Public Relations.

EASF is a regional organization whose mandate is to enhance peace and security in the Eastern Africa region.  It is one of the five regional multidimensional Forces of the African Standby Force (ASF) consisting of Military, Police and Civilian components.  EASF was established as a regional mechanism to provide capability for rapid deployment of forces to carry out preventive deployment, rapid intervention, peace support/stability operations and peace enforcement.
EASF draws its membership from 10 active states including Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda.

For more information: Information Office, EASF
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