Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

FTX 2017 Forward Team Arrives in Exercise Area

A team of professionals from various backgrounds selected from EASF Member States and EASF Secretariat arrived in Port Sudan, in the Republic of the Sudan, on Friday 17th November 2017.

The Forward Team has been tasked by the Secretariat to lay the groundwork in the Field Training Exercise (FTX) 2017 play area near Port Sudan. The key duties include setting up a robust communications' infrastructural network capable of supporting data, voice and multimedia content as well as furnishing cells, sectors and headquarters with necessary equipment to be used during the exercise runtime.

The team also includes a number of experts from Afex Kenya Limited which recently entered into a contractual agreement with EASF to put up the Forward Force Headquarters Start Up Kit. The kit was donated by the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark together with United Kingdom in December 2015.


Part of the Forward Team Surveying One of the Exercise Areas






Friday the 18th. Developed & Powered by EASF