Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Handover at EASF Force Headquarters in Addis Ababa

Category: News

The Eastern Africa Standby Force received a new Force Commander, Brig. Gen. Vincent Gatama from the Republic of Rwanda during a handover ceremony held on 23rd July 2020, at the Force Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The outgoing Force Commander

Maj. Gen. Aladdin Osman Mirghani from the Republic of Sudan, has now completed his three years’ tour of duty.

The rotation of the Force Commander was done according to EASF Staff Rotation Matrix which provides an opportunity for all Member States to serve in the EASF Structures for a specific period of time. The responsibility of the EASF Force Headquarters is working for force preparation and operational command of the Standby Force.
EASF, established under the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), is a regional mechanism meant to address conflict prevention, management and resolution in the Eastern Africa region.


Photo Gallery:  Handover at EASF Force Headquarters in Addis Ababa


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