Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Djibouti takes the Chair and Friends of EASF Uphold Partnership

Category: News

EASF has surely felt the deep pinch and setback of the Covid-19 pandemic but with zeal and renewed leadership the organization has steadfastly strived through the stormy year of 2020 and all geared up to embrace 2021.

The Council of Ministers of Defence meeting which was held on Friday 18th December, 2020 at the Kigali Convention Centre ended up with a series of approved Policies and Working Documents for EASF, namely, the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan and the Activity Plan. It was also the first time to have the Policy Organs’ Meetings available on line with two Member States joining the meeting virtually.

At the end of the meeting the chairmanship of the meeting was handed over to Djibouti from the outgoing Chair Hon. Mohamed Ali from Comoros.
The EASF fraternity was also graced with the presence of the representative of the Friends of EASF, Mr. Peter Zartsdahl who had this to say ‘’..EASF has developed truly multinational operating standards, creating a common operational language and ready standards for civilian, military and police staff from ten different member states and the EASF models of planning and operating could easily be shared as an example to follow. EASF has built the capacity to address transnational threats, not just militarily but in aspects of policing, protection of civilians and civilian fields of governance and development support, including management and support for the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

EASF has the necessary standards of planning and decision-making to prepare, deploy, conduct, and withdraw operations - also in difficult environments. The EASF’s successful deployment to the Seychelles as the only international observer group in this year’s COVID-19 affected elections is a testament to the capacity for handling complex planning in the Secretariat and Planning Element’’ explained the Civilian Advisor to EASF.

All three meetings (from the Experts Working  Group meeting, CDFs meeting and the Ministers of Defence meeting) attracted very high media coverage with particular interest from journalists in the financial and operationalization aspects of the organization.  EASF would like to extend its deepest appreciation to the host country, the government of Rwanda, the RDF and other stakeholders for their support and assistance in the unique land of thousand hills and anticipate with delight the next session of POM in land of freedom, Kenya.


 The Newly Appointed Chair of the Council of Ministers H.E. Hassan Omar Mohamed from the Republic of Djibouti, Addresses the Council.




EASF Civilian Advisor, Mr. Peter Zartsdahl During the Meeting in Kigali Rwanda.


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