Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Civilian Roster Recruitment and Verification is Launched in Sudan

Category: News

The Eastern African Standby Force (EASF) launched the African Standby Capacity (ASC) roster identification, recruitment and verification exercise in the Republic of the Sudan, today, Sunday 28th February 2021.

The team from EASF, led by the Head of the Civilian Component in the Planning Element (PLANELM) of EASF, Mr Dawit Assefa, arrived in Khartoum yesterday and was met on arrival by Brigadier Omar Basherri.

During today’s ceremony, the guest of honour, representing the Government of Sudan, Major General Ezeldin Taha, officially launched the exercise in presence of other high-ranking military officials, the EASF Focal Point for Sudan Dr. Faisal Elmagoub and the candidates to be interviewed in the coming three days.

Major General Taha has in the past played the role of Chief of Staff in EASF's PLANELM.

Mr. Dawit Assefa expressed his gratitude and that of EASF to the Sudanese government for having accepted to host the team and also due to the warm hospitality extended to his team. The government of Sudan provided logistical support and facilities to the team to guarantee the success of the exercise.

The aim of the exercise is to ensure that adequately trained personnel for the Civilian Component available in the region are identified and included in the ASC Roster.

Other members of EASF included Mr. Michael Charlette, the Civilian Rostering and Coordination Officer, Mr Ibrahim Ali, the Planning, Training and Evaluation Officer, Ms Irene Kingori from the EASF HR section and Ms Fridah Mungania, responsible for Admin in the Civilian Component.


Photo Gallery: Civilian Roster Recruitment and Verification is Launched in Sudan


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