Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Police Trainers Meet in Comoros

Category: News

A four-days' United Nations Police Officers' Course (UNPOC) Trainers Workshop that was rolled out by Police Component of the Eastern Africa Standby Force on 2nd March, comes to a conclusion on 5th March 2021 in Moroni, in the Union of Comoros.

The workshop, hosted by the Comoros Police Nationale, was officially opened by the Director General of Police, Abdel-Kader Mohamed.

The workshop aims at evaluating police training activities that were carried out in 2020 together with those planned for 2021 and inform the Police Component of the next course of action accordingly. The essence of such evaluations is that they help in determining if there is need to develop new curricula and whether some of the training programs should be amended.

A total of 15 trainers (7 female / 8 male) from 5 EASF Member States joined the workshop during its launch and have been facilitating the training.

The workshop is fully funded by the Government of Norway through the Norwegian Police Directorate.


Photo Gallery: UNPOC Trainers' Workshop Enters its Final Phase


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