Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Civilian Foundation Course Successfully Ends

Category: News

The Civilian Foundation Course which has been taking place for two weeks successfully ended on 02 April 2021. The course was conducted by Eastern Africa Standby Force at Humanitarian Peace Support School

(HPSS) in Embakasi, Nairobi from 22 March to 02 April 2021.

The training course covered a wide range of theoretical, simulations and practical field exercises. It also helped the trainees to understand the role and mandate of Civilian Component in Peace Support Operations (PSOs).

On behalf the Eastern African Standby Force, Ms. Lina Hoareau, the Head of Admin and Finance, congratulated the participants for successfully completing the course. She added that the graduates should apply the knowledge and skills they acquired for the betterment of Africa’s peace, security and stability. She also informed the participants that Eastern African Standby Force is currently in Full Operational Capability status.
Trainees drawn from EASF Member States from different professional backgrounds participated in the Civilian Foundation Course. They found the course very significant for future PSOs. The course also introduced the trainees to the structures and specific functional units in peace operations, mission mandates and lessons learned from previous missions. Moreover, it gave them new insight into the importance of team work, cooperation, respect for diversity and working towards common goals during Peace Support Operations.

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