Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Police Training in Sendafa, Ethiopia

Category: News

The Eastern Africa Standby Force launched a two-weeks Police Officers' Course at the Ethiopian Police University College in Sendafa, Ethiopia on 12th April 2021.

The African Union's Police Officers' Course, which is based on a harmonized continental curriculum, seeks to equip officers with requisite knowledge and skills which will improve their productivity in carrying out Peace Support Operations (PSOs).

The Guest of Honor during the opening ceremony was the Commissioner General of Police, Mr. Demelash Gebremichael. In his keynote speech, Mr. Gebremichael reflected on the abundant resource endowments on the African continent. These, he said, could be harnessed to improve the lives of the people given a conducive and conflict-free environment. He  commended the Standby Force for it's capacity building initiatives meant to ensure that the region maintains peace at all times.

The EASF Director Brig. Gen. Getachew Fayisa thanked the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for hosting this important course. He outlined the core responsibilities of police officers in peace missions which include, supporting the re-establishment of law and order, providing operational support to host-state police, protecting civilians, UN-staff and facilities as well as assisting in capacity-building, training and reforms. The Director also thanked EASF Member States for allowing their personnel to take part in the course despite the current COVID-19 challenges.

The course, which is being facilitated by trainers from the Eastern Africa region with the support of the Government of Norway, will come to a close on 23rd April 2021.


Photo Gallery: Police Training in Sendafa, Ethiopia


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