Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF-EOM Issues Statement on Ethiopian General Elections

Category: News

The Eastern African Standby Force's Election Observer Mission to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has issued a statement on the conduct of the 6th General Elections on 21st June 2021.



Eastern Africa Standby Force


The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) has deployed 12 teams of observers in 5 regions and based on the information collected from the teams on the ground, voting is being conducted in a peaceful manner and a high voter turnout recorded until now.

Out of the 96 polling stations visited by the observers, nearly 40% opened late however, at the time of opening voters were already queueing.  The EASF Election Observer Teams have not recorded any major incidents till now.  High presence of Law enforcement agencies has been observed in most areas of deployment.  The observers have also recorded high participation of women and youth. In most polling stations visited, priority was given to the elderly and physically challenged.
Universal principles such as secrecy of ballot were maintained in all polling stations visited however, in some polling stations the layout is not as per the election directives.

Due to the heavy rains reported in some areas, the delay was experienced at the start of the voting exercise.

The EASF-EOM is calling on all voters to maintain a calm and peaceful environment throughout the voting day and after the announcement of results.  We urge the law enforcement agencies to be vigilant as they maintain a high level of professionalism when discharging their duties.

The EASF observer teams will remain at the various zones of deployment until the counting process is completed, maintaining the same station used as the opening station.

Issued by: EASF Election Observer Mission
Eastern Africa Standby Force
P.O Box 1444-00502



 Below: The Head of Mission together with the Deputy Head of Mission Visit Various Polling Stations on 21st June 2021.



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