Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Experts’ Working Group Meeting Officially Kicks Off

Category: News

Eastern African Standby Force Experts’ Working Group Meeting kicked off on 28th of June in Nairobi, Kenya. The Guest of Honor from Kenya Defense Forces,

Major General Fatuma Ahmed, who is the Assistant Chief of Defense Forces Personnel and Logistics, officially opened the meeting.

In her opening remarks, Major General Fatuma thanked all experts and representatives from Member States. She underlined the fact that this kind of experts’ meeting is important for a peaceful Eastern Africa. She also added that the gathering of experts from all Member States is evidence for collective aspiration.
The EASF Director, Brigadier General Getachew Shiferaw thanked the Republic of Kenya for hosting the meeting of Experts’ Working Group. In his remarks, the Director welcomed the experts from Member States and the Guest of Honor. He said, “I hope this Experts’ Working Group meeting will critically examine the policies and guidelines prepared for discussion and come up with important recommendations and better options for the upcoming Policy Organs’ Meeting".
The Director also called upon Member States to continue with their support for EASF in order to better promote peace and security in the region. The Experts’ Working Group meeting will be held until 2nd of July 2021. The meeting is expected to discuss and endorse different policies and guidelines. 


Photo Gallery: Experts’ Working Group Meeting Officially Kicks Off



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