Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

IMPC Kicks off in Bujumbura

Category: News

The Eastern Africa Standby Force launched an Integrated Mission Planning Course (IMPC) in Bujumbura, Burundi on 26th July 2021.

The course was officially opened by the Deputy Operations' Officer from Burundi Defence Forces, Col. Victor Nduwumuremyi.

The course aims at increasing the number of individuals drawn from civilian, police and military backgrounds from all 10 Member States that are qualified to operate as Staff Officers at either the Mission or Force Headquarters' level. It familiarizes participants with EASF's Operational Planning Process (OPP) and provides them with tools to conduct operational planning, whereby Military, Civilian, Police and Mission Support Components are integrated in a single Mission plan.

The two-weeks IMPC with twenty-four participants from EASF Member States is being funded by the European Union through the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) programme.


Photo Gallery: IMPC Kicks off in Bujumbura




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