Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Integrated SGBV Course Starts in Burundi

Category: News

Violence against women, girls and children (vulnerable people) in conflict and post conflict situations has been of great human rights' concern all over the world despite the existence of different legal instruments aimed at addressing this kind of human suffering.

This violence is usually perpetrated in terms of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV). The suffering is extensive with long lasting physical and psychological effects that affect even those who are not part of the conflict.

Therefore, when deploying forces in any conflict or post conflict situations, it is crucial to have well prepared officers who can effectively address issues of human rights' violations and especially those that are SGBV related.

It is under the above premise that the Eastern Africa Standby Force launched a Sexual and Gender Based Violence course for personnel from civilian, military and police backgrounds from across EASF Member States in Bujumbura, Burundi on 20th September 2021.

The Guest of Honor during the opening ceremony was CPP Louis Marie Mwumvaneza from Burundi National Police. CPP Mwumvaneza expressed gratitude that the Standby Force had decided to conduct this important course in the Republic of Burundi. He further reinstated his confidence that the trainees would absorb the relevant knowledge and skills which would positively impact EASF's capacity building efforts in the desired way.

The EASF Director Brig Gen Getachew Shiferaw Fayisa thanked the Government and the people of the Republic of Burundi for accepting to host the course. Brig Gen Fayisa outlined the important role of women in peace processes and the need to address the specific vulnerabilities of women and children in conflict situations. The Director underscored the importance of deploying police, military and civilian mission personnel when a crisis erupts in order to provide protection, monitor human rights violations and create an environment conducive for humanitarian assistance.

The course is being facilitated by 3 regional police trainers & 2 civilian trainers from EASF Member States, who are all certified in the SGBV Training of Trainers Course. Further, there is 1 mentor from Denmark and another from Norway.

The training, which is scheduled to come to a close on 30th September 2021, is being funded by the Government of the Royal Kingdom of Denmark.


Photo Gallery: Integrated SGBV Course Starts in Burundi




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