Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Conducting Regulations' Review

Category: News

In accordance with the approved Activity Plan 2021, the Eastern Africa Standby Force launched a 4 days-long Internal Regulations' Review in Nyeri, Kenya, on 26th October 2021.

The review workshop, led by the Head of Administration and Finance Ms. Lina Hoareau, seeks to intensively work on the existing documents covering financial, procurement and service regulations and come up with the necessary amendments in line with African Union's standards as well as international best practices.  

Participants of the workshop are members of staff from Finance and Administration Department from all EASF Structures which are; the Secretariat, the Planning Element, Force Headquarters and Logistics' Base.

The workshop, which comes to an end on 29th October 2021, is funded by the Government of the Royal Kingdom of Denmark in conjunction with EASF Member States.




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