Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Officials in AU's High Level Meeting

Category: News

Senior officials from the Eastern Africa Standby Force are participating in the 12th Annual High-Level Retreat of High Representatives, Special Envoys, and Special Representatives of the Chairperson of the Commission (SRCCs) on the Promotion of Peace, Security and

Stability in Africa under the theme: “Improved Coordination and Harmonization for Impactful Mediation”

The 3-days' meeting, which started on 1st November 2021, is taking place at the Sankara Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. Leading the EASF contingent is the Director, Brig Gen Getachew Shiferaw Fayisa together with the Head of Peace Operations' Department, Brig Gen Henry Isoke.

The meeting seeks to provide Special Envoys, High Representatives, SRCCs and Mediators with the opportunity to reflect, take stock and review existing mediation efforts to determine their suitability and effectiveness in the current context of evolving conflicts on the continent. It also aspires to offer insight, learning, exchanges and debates on emerging policy and practice in the field of mediation as it relates to inclusion at multiple mediation tracks both from a gender and actor perspective. 4 former Heads of State from Africa are taking part in the conference.

The conference, which comes to an end on Wednesday 3rd  November 2021, will also seek to find out the most appropriate time frame to establish a Panel of Elders which could play a key role in conflict resolution across the entire African continent.


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