Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

African Union Holds the AU-PCRD Awareness Week (3)

Category: News

The Commission of the African Union (AU) is commemorating the first Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD), Awareness Week from 7th to 13th November 2021.

The weeks aims to raise awareness and address the recovery and reconstruction needs. The event coincides with the 15th anniversary of the adoption of

the PCRD Policy Framework by the AU Heads of State and Government in 2006, in Banjul, The Gambia.

The PCRD Awareness Week offers the possibility to assess, review, redirect and strengthen the collective action amongst AU and African stakeholders, in the reconstruction and development of post-conflict societies in collaboration with the international community. Moreover, the Awareness Week will contribute concretely in addressing the challenges and threats that PCRD processes are facing, notably through analysis of the evolving roles of governmental and non-governmental actors engaged in peacebuilding in Africa.

The Awareness Week is expected to contribute to the ongoing strengthening of the implementation of the AU PCRD Framework and ensure increased buy-in from stakeholders in supporting effective PCRD and peacebuilding responses through the mobilization of the necessary human, financial, material and institutional resources, at the national, regional and continental levels.

Member States, Regional Economic Communities, Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs), as well as AU Permanent Missions, AU Liaison Offices and AU Organs are expected to partake these activities to raise the awareness among the entire African Continent and the International Community on the core objectives of the Awareness Week.

The inaugural PCRD Awareness Week serves a milestone renewing the commitment of the AU Commission through the Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security, to foster post-conflict reconstruction and development towards Agenda 2063 aspirations of a peaceful and secure Africa.



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