Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

The Republic of Sudan hosting 25th Policy Organs Meetings

Category: News

The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) 25th Session of Policy Organs Meetings started on Thursday, 15th December 2018 in Khartoum, Sudan.

The Experts Working Group meeting was officially opened by Gen. Esam Aldien Almubark   the Deputy Joint Chief of Staff of Sudanese Military.  
In his opening remarks, the Guest of Honour said; “the Eastern African Standby Force, brings together the military, police and civilians from different nations of the Eastern Africa region, such arrangements contribute to building cohesion, tolerance and better understanding of our people. It provides a good opportunity to cement relations while Member States gear up to guarantee peace and security as a conducive environment for development of the region”.

Gen. Esam Aldien Almubark emphasised that EASF, like any other organisation, can only fulfil its mandate and mission if it has the appropriate legal and mandating framework, infrastructure, personnel, equipment, funding and leadership. Cumulatively, these efforts translate to the operational readiness of the Force. “It is the responsibility of the Experts Working Group to advise the Eastern Africa Chief of Defences (EACDs) on such action and I am confident that the meeting will go a long way in achieving this”, the General added.

The Director of EASF Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bour informed the meeting that EASF continues to execute its mission through maintaining its operational readiness. All training programs are focused on the integrated multidimensional standby force ready to respond to emerging crises. Dr. Bouh emphasised that the secretariat remains committed to execute its mandate of enhancing peace and security in the Eastern Africa Region and beyond.

The Experts Working Group Meeting will be expected to discuss the implementation of the Council of Ministers Decisions drawn during the 24th Ordinary Policy Organs Meeting, the status of implementation of 2018 activities, the Activity Plan of 2019 and Rotation Matrix.  

The Experts Working Group Meeting will be followed by the Eastern Africa Committee of Defence Staff and the Council of Ministers of Defence and Security meetings.


Photo Gallery: The Republic Sudan hosting 25th Policy Organs Meetings





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