Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Celebrates International Womens' Day

Category: News

To commemorate the International Women’s day, the Director of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) Dr. Abdillahi OmarBouh would like to share the following message on this occasion.

 International Women’s Day is a worldwide commemoration that celebrates women’s achievements in all spheres be it political, cultural and social. Special emphasis this year is on gender equality. The theme for International Women’s Day 2019 is “Think equal, build smart, innovate for change”. The theme focuses on innovative ways in which we can advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, particularly in the areas of social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure.

Investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth. Women in Africa are contributing significantly to economies, whether in businesses, in education, in agriculture or even as entrepreneurs. As we celebrate the International women’s Day, I wish to pay tribute to women in Africa and the rest of the world for their valuable and distinctive contributions to our societies and families. Particularly in Africa, gender-responsive services, production resources, markets in agriculture, industry and trade would enhance economic empowerment of women and youth extensively. With Equal Rights, Empowerment, Women Can Be ‘Agents of Change’ for Sustained Socio-economic Development and prosperity in Africa.

Let us join the world in acknowledging the enormous contributions of women in the society and let us take necessary steps to further promote women empowerment and gender equality. Happy women’s day.

Saturday the 4th. Developed & Powered by EASF