Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Maritime Operational Planning Course Starts

Category: News

The Eastern Africa Standby Force launched a two-week Maritime Operational Planning Course in Victoria, Seychelles on 8th April 2019.

The course aims to train and equip senior maritime officers with skills that will enable them command a maritime task force during Peace Support Operations (PSOs) and Maritime Safety & Security (MSS). Upon completion of the course, the trained officers will have acquired sufficient operational planning skills and will be able to work in a multicultural and multidimensional environment.

During the opening ceremony, the EASF Director Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh thanked the Government and the people of the Republic of Seychelles for agreeing to host the EASF Maritime workshop. Dr. Bouh underlined the importance of maintaining a well trained force capable of intervening in conflict situations in order to maintain peace and security in the region.

On behalf of the Government of Seychelles, the Guest of Honor, Colonel Simon Dine of the Seychelles Peoples Defence Forces welcomed the participants from EASF Member States into the country. He reflected on the essence of the Maritime course under the framework of peace and security in the Eastern Africa region.

The EASF Maritime course, which comes to a close on 19th April 2019, is fully funded through the Nordic Advisory and Coordination Staff's (NACS) budget-line.


Photo Gallery: Maritime Operational Planning Course Starts

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