Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Camera-persons' Training Comes to an End

Category: News

A camera-persons training course organized by the Peace Operations Department of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) ended on Thursday 18th April, 2019. A total of 8 participants attended the course which was held at Country House Inn, in Nairobi, Kenya.

The aim of the training was to develop the technical capabilities of the camera-persons at EASF in capturing and producing high quality productions as part of promotional materials for the organization. It was also intended to provide the participants with better understanding of professional capturing of images, building the technical skills of the camera-persons as well as enhancing the advocacy and communication strategy of EASF.

The camera-persons' training included event coverage, shooting of interviews, frame composition, sound and lighting. After the week-long training, the camera-persons are now more in tune with different elements of camera-works and this will surely enhance the quality of their productions.

The participants were from the EASF Secretariat and Force Headquarters. The training was fully funded by the Nordic Advisory Coordination (NACS).

Below: EASF Camera-persons' Training in Progress 


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