Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Daystar University Students visit EASF

Category: News

A group of more than 40 students from Daystar University in Nairobi visited the EASF secretariat on Wednesday 23rd April 2019. The students, who are currently pursuing their studies in International Relations aimed at learning more about the mandate of EASF as well as discuss about peace and security in Africa.

After an in-depth presentation on EASF, plenary discussions took place whereby issues of insecurity in the Eastern Africa region were brought to the table. Further debates included  the expectations of citizens especially youths as well as how organizations like EASF could help to mitigate and prevent conflicts in Africa.

This is the third such visit from students from Daystar University. According to their lecturer, such visits help the students to better understand the issues at hand and get firsthand knowledge from experts working in peace and security.


Below: The Information Manager Mr. Jules Hoareau takes Students through a Session


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