Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Panel of the Wise Workshop Launched

Category: News

The Eastern Africa Standby Force launched at two days Panel of the Wise workshop on 22nd July 2019 at the Secretariat in Karen, Nairobi Kenya.

The workshop is expected to develop a policy document and action plan on the functions and modalities of operation of the Panel of the wise for presentation in the next Policy Organs meeting.

During the opening session, the EASF Director Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh underscored the necessity of establishing an effective Panel of the Wise in order to develop a credible conflict prevention, management and resolution capability for the regional peace-keeper. Competing interests both intrastate and interstate in the region have brought about a new array of challenges which could be effectively attended to by such a panel.

The workshop's outputs, which are the policy document and an accompanying action plan, will be presented to the next Policy Organs Meetings for deliberation and implementation guidance if approved.


Photo Gallery: Panel of the Wise Workshop Launched




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