Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Advanced Open Source Intelligence Course Starts

Category: News

The Eastern Africa Standby Force launched an Advanced Open Source Intelligence Course at the International Peace Support Training Center (IPSTC) in Karen Nairobi on 13th August 2019.

EASF is in the process of operationalizing its Early Warning Mechanism (E-WARN). This proess involves capacity development to optimize individual skills and consequently augment institutional response. This Advanced Course on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Analytical Skills is intended to realize that end-state.

The one-week course was opened by the Head of Peace Operations Department Brigadier General Henry Isoke on behalf of the EASF Director, Dr Abdillahi Omar Bouh.

The OSINT training is being attended by particpants from Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan and some EASF members of staff. The course, which comes to a close on Friday 16th August 2019, has been fully funded by the Government of Sweden.


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