Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Police Mid-Level Management Course Concludes

Category: News

Issuance of CertificatesThe Eastern Africa Standby Force successfully conducted a Police Mid-level Management Course from 5th to 16th August 2019 in the Republic of Uganda.

The course was informed by the necessity to develop and maintain the Full Operational Capability (FOC) gained in December 2014 for the multinational Peace Support Operations (PSO) deployment by  having sufficient mid-level managers in the region that are capable of performing managerial tasks during peacekeeping deployment. 

The Mid-Level Management course, attended by twenty five trainees from EASF Member States, was conducted by five regional EASF Trainers supported by two EASF staff and two mentors from Denmark and Norway.

The course was fully funded by the Government of Norway.

Below: Participants of the Mid-Level Management Course Pose for a Group Photograph During the Closing Session on 16th August 2019.


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