Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

AU Youth for Peace Ambassadors for Eastern Region

Category: News

The African Union assessment and interviewing process for the AU Youth for Peace Ambassadors kicked off today,  12th  November 2019 at the AU Headquarters, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The Commission of the African Union, through its Youth for Peace (Y4P) Africa Program of the Peace and Security Department will appoint African Youth Ambassadors for Peace (AYAP), one from each of the five (5) regions of Africa on Friday 15th November, 2019.

The EASF Youth Focal Point to the African Union, Mr. Jules Hoareau is attending the assessment and interviewing process of the AU Youth for Peace Ambassadors taking place at the AU Headquarters, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The appointment of the Youth for Peace Ambassadors is in line with the decision of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) via the communiqué of its 807th meeting held on 8th November 2018 on Youth, Peace and Security. The Council requested the AU Commission to appoint the AYAP to work with the AU Youth Envoy in championing the promotion of peace and security across the continent.

The AYAP, working under the direct supervision of the leadership of the Peace and Security Department of the AUC, shall champion the promotion and advocacy of youth participation in peace and security issues at the regional level and across Africa. Specifically, the AYAP will promote the actualization of the five priorities of the Continental Framework on Youth, Peace and Security, which are guided by Article 17 of the AU Youth Charter (2006) and the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2250 (2015).

From East Africa, three candidates are contesting for the position of African Youth Ambassadors namely; Emma Nganga from Kenya, Christopher Morris from Tanzania and Ifrah Farah from Somalia. Once appointed by the Peace and Security Council of the AU on Friday this week, the Youth for Peace Ambassador for East Africa will work closely with EASF in areas of youth promotion to peace and security in the region.



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