Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Management Media and Information Training

Category: News

The Eastern Africa Standby Force Media and Information training for the management kicked off on 18th November 2019, in Nyeri, Kenya. The training aims at building the capacity of the management on the issues relating to media in a peace support

context, how to collaborate effectively with the media, how to promote the image of the organisation and the functions of a spokesperson.

In his opening address, the Head of Peace Operations Department, Brig. Gen. Henry Isoke noted that the main objective of the training is enhancing the understanding of the participants on the important role of media in peace and security with special emphasis on how EASF can meaningfully collaborate with the media sector. The training also seeks to strengthen skills and competencies in facing the journalists when addressing the media as EASF spokesperson in respective areas and ultimately in peacekeeping missions.

Media is a key stakeholder in the promotion of peace and security. The media has an important role to play in enhancing the mission mandate and the participants of this training course are expected to be engaged in different simulations and practical exercises including ‘live’ press conferences.

The course is being facilitated by ‘Iris Media’ and supported by Denmark. 


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