Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Maritime Operations Planning Course is Launched

Category: News

A two weeks EASF Maritime Operations Planning Course (MOPC) was officially opened on 2nd December 2019 in Mahe, Seychelles.

The aim of this course is to train and equip the senior maritime officers with skills that enable them to plan for any maritime task force during Peace Support Operations (PSOs), Maritime Safety and Security (MS&S) and to enable them to work in a multicultural as well as multidimensional environment.

The Course covers operating planning phases; therefore the overall objective of the course is to provide participants with the necessary mission planning skills to act in a joint and/or combined planning staff on an operational level.

EASF Chief of Staff and the Head of the Military Component, Col. Abdallah Salih Rafick, in his opening remarks to the participants, thanked the Republic of Seychelles for hosting EASF activities, continuous support to EASF, hospitality and the warm welcome that extended to the course participants. He further thanked Friends of EASF and supporters, facilitators, participants and their respective countries for availing them to be part of this very important course.  

The host nation representative, the Deputy Commander of Seychelles Coast Guard Base, Lt.Col. Jean Attala in his remarks to the participants, said it is expected that this event will contribute positively to the development of EASF in capability and capacity building. He added that the course presented a very good opportunity to show the participants the command relationship between the commander and his staff in the operational environment.

The course is being attended by twenty-three participants from Burundi, Comoros, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda.


Photo Gallery: Maritime Operations Planning Course is Launched



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