Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Norwegian Police Directorate's Official Visits EASF

Category: News

The Head of the Norwegian Police International Deployment Section, Chief Superintendent Torkjeld Jevne paid a visit to the EASF Secretariat and Planning Element on 11th February 2020 in Karen, Nairobi.

Chief Superintendent Jevne's visit aimed at personally meeting the new Head of Police Component, Colonel Ali Mohamed Robleh, getting an update on police activities including those which are Norwegian funded for the years 2019 and 2020.

The meeting was attended by Police Personnel Planner, Cdr. Teshale Aloto Mikore and the Danish Police Adviser D/CSP Bjarne Askholm, who is representing Norway at EASF and administrates the provided resources from Norway.  

Norway is one of EASF's important partners and contributors; the Government has strategic interests in providing capacity building within the areas of Gender issues e.g. Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) courses as well as leadership training in courses such as Mid Level Management (MLM). Chief Superintendent Jevne expressed his country's satisfaction that these resources have been properly utilized to achieve various milestones in the aforementioned areas.

After the meeting, the Norwegian delegate headed further on to the UN Logistics Base in Entebbe, to meet his Norwegian UNMISS delegation of Individual Police Officers (IPOs), who are rotating from the mission in South Sudan, after end of tour of 1 year.


Photo Gallery: Norwegian Police Directorate's Official Visits EASF


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