Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Committee of Chiefs of Defence Staff in Moroni

Category: News

The Eastern Africa Standby Force’s Committee of Chiefs of Defence and Security met in Moroni for the 17th Extra-Ordinary Session of Policy Organs Meetings, which kicked off on 3rd March 2020 in the Union of Comoros.

The aim of the meeting is to conduct interviews of candidates according to the EASF Rotation Matrix for the positions of the Director, Joint Chief of Staff, Force Commander, Chief of Staff Logistics’ Base and Commandant, Logistics’ Training Center.

The Chiefs of Defence meeting was officially opened by the Guest of Honour, Hon. Bianrifi Tarmidi who is the current Minister of Transport of the Union of Comoros.
The Guest of Honour noted that significant progress has been made by EASF in building capacity and capability in the area of peace and security in the region and commendable strides have been made in the operationalization of the Standby Force.
Hon. Bianrifi Tarmidi observed that on the ground, the region, through individual Member States, is showing greater pro‐activeness in dealing with conflict and crisis situations, with encouraging results. The region has demonstrated incredible commitment and determination towards its mandate to address issues of peace and security.
“Conducting these interviews for executive staff will help the organization to take forward its progress into the next frontier of peace and security”, the Guest of honor added.

The EASF Director Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh assured the meeting that the EASF Secretariat continues to have very cordial and fruitful engagements with all Member States and partners in the planning and implementation of EASF activities.
The Director appreciated the support of the Chiefs of Defense and for their guidance which has culminated into great achievements, ever since he was appointed the Director of EASF in April 2017.


Photo Gallery: Committee of Chiefs of Defence Staff in Moroni



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